Jesus of the Week

While Pat Robertson would no doubt consider me a godless heathen, I must confess an absolute love of religious iconography both good and bad. For the latter, I can think of no better place than Jesus of the Week (or J2k6 as they prefer to be called). Aside from being attributed to Village Voice Media, J2k6 is anonymously hosted, guiding us through various imagery with commentary peppered with that kind of sharp, acerbic wit familiar to Voice readers. The visuals (largely contributed by “disciples”) cover a gamut of Jesus imagery including, but not limited to, periodicals, advertising and art (as in this balloon art Jesus and the pictured Corkscrew Crucifix). There is also a bevy of Christian consumer items like Son of God checks and checkbooks and crucifixion cell-phone face plates. There are even specialty services like Heavenly Images where you can have a photo of your dearly departed photoshopped into a graphic with the J-Man. Also included are various oddities like this Fender Stratocaster. For the those inclined towards the anthropological, nothing beats bad permanent skin art in the form of tattoos. Changed as often to weekly as they can, the site is always worth checking in on regular intervals.
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